Our guarantee of total commitment and support to all of our online students...

It's my job to help you to pass your 2391 exam and provide you with the training and tutor support you require in order to do so.

As your tutor I have put forty years of my own knowledge and experience as an electrician and tutor into the content and presentation of my 2391 inspection and testing online course and I am so confident in it and in my ability to help you to pass that...

In the unlikely event that you don't pass your 2391 exam and any of the practical tasks A, B or C after satisfactorily completing all of your online course, including all of the exercises and practice exams.

* We will continue to train you and pay for you to re-sit your exam and any of the practical tasks taken at our Wigan centre.

So, in the highly unlikely event that you complete your online training and fail to pass there's no need to worry - you're covered.

Chris Wilkinson (Electrical Installation Tutor)

*Applies only to remote at-home exams and in-centre exams and practical tasks completed at our Wigan centre. One free resit per candidate.